Saturday, July 3, 2010.
I'm So sorry for not updating that often...

So...what has happened?

I went for my drama practice, we have ALOT of things going on right now...and...I went to the suppermarket today!! WOOTS! My dad is coming tomorrow at around ll pm. Then the next day i'm going swimming!!! lately I've been such a couch potato...*sigh*.

As I had said in the last post I would make a lily and James fan-fic. so here is the link. Go read it and reveiw if you like HP.

Mertice :)

{ 8:00 PM }

Friday, June 25, 2010.
Well...I'm back in singapore right now and i'm clearly not very happy about that. I wish i could stay with my parents in Hong Kong. Now i'm thinking what to write.

I think i might start a fanfic about James and lily. As I said in my last post (was it in the last post?) I love the pair, so sweet. I suppose I should talk about life right?

I think I've become really lazy, trust me it's not somthing that I like. On the 23rd I took about 1 and a half hours to unpack. I brought so much stuff to HK and only used half. So today's rants is going to be superb-ly random and unorganised.( you might have already notice that.

I just want to say that I'm my not always update and may not always have photo's at the end.(lazy right?) Well nothing much happend toady, baisically I read fanfic non-stop. So since i have nothing eles to say...BYE!!!


Bichon Frise (puppy)

{ 4:20 PM }

Monday, June 21, 2010.
Well I really do not know what to write about today, it was quite uneventful. Okay first things first from now on i'm going to put doogie photo's instead of Kawaii-ish photos.

Okay I think i shall taik about my likes and dislikes:

- Harry Potter, I love Harry Potter. I have read and read it over and over again. I espiecially like to "lily and James's era" They are so perfect together, I got so upset when J.K Rowling stopped writing the HP books. BUT now I'm reading Fanfiction (Mostly Lily/james, Harry/Ginny). So Cute.

-Yorkshire Terrier, They are SOOOOOOO cute. I know i said that i was afriad of dogs, but still... THEY ARE CUTE!!!!

-Mosquito, I hate, i hate them. Argh!!! What part exactly do they play in the food chain? ( apart from being blood sucking maniacs). NONE ( or rather none that i can think of). So I have no idea why they even are on earth.

-Being away from my parents (not to mention my terrifiringly cute but annoying sister), All I have to say is that i get home sick...sigh....

What eles.....OoOOOOO

Today i experimented with my Mom's makeup..I know i really should not be doing that but I WAS BORED. Turned out I looked quite ok...But I Had to wipe it off and try a few times Cuz the first few tries got smudg. Then I tried it on my sister, She looked better. :)

Oh well i can't think of anything eles ro write about sooooo Bye. ;)

The Picture today is a Yorkshire Terrier. CUTE!!!

{ 11:17 PM }

Sunday, June 20, 2010.
Before i begin this rant, I just would like to dedicate this to my father, HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!

Erm...lets see what was good today?

My dad wants to get a black Labrador. I actually have nothing against that, only that me sister and I are really scared of dogs. I mean there are cute and all, I'm just scared of them. Plus there is ALOT of things to do, a BIG responsiblility. My dad is always flying over seas for business trips and the my sister, helper and mom will have to take care of it (I won't be in Hong Kong). Gosh...I tend to broud over random stuff right?

What eles was good today.. OoOoOoO My mom gave me ALOT of jewllery. LOVING IT>

well I can't think of anything eles to say/write.


Today the picture is a bunny! If you have notice I'm putting on Kawaii-ish pictures, but I think i just might start putting pictures of dogs, thanks to my dad's sudden obsession over them.

{ 8:24 PM }

Saturday, June 19, 2010.
As the tile says todauy i had ALOT of random thoughts about dogs, going back to singapore, wifi and other's I clearly forgot.

Today my dad's Boss's wife had her birthday party and the brought their dog Mei Mei (妹妹 a Scottish waterdog i think...). Then I started thinking weird thoughts like how do dogs see, about that thingamajig that the japenese scientist made that translate dog language. Erm... and about other stuff I forgot.

Opps, suddenly I feel that i had a random thought about vickings!!!!! (that was even more random)

Going Back to Singapore
NO! I am so not looking forward to going back to singapore next week, i wanna stay in Hong Kong with my parents forever ( or at least till they go back to singapore). Saddly that will not happen. *sigh*. My mom will come back for abut a month then go back to HK. Then i'm on my own unless my dad is back for bisness. My parents won't even be with me for my birthday....WAHHHHH


Actually this thought was not that random, I was just wishing that the resturant had WiFi....

Anywho it's 12 am, so good night or morning...


Today's picture is a Star Rainbow!

{ 11:44 PM }

Friday, June 18, 2010.
My mom wants me to do homework. I want to go on the internent. I mean it's the hoiliday i know i'm supposed to do my homework, but what the heck i hate homework. Espesially if it's chinese! I have 4 compositions for it. I HATE CHINESE!!!! Argh! I hate my teachers during normal days they don't give ANY homework. During holidays...They give you homework like there's no tomorrow.

I'm sorry but now i really need to vent my anger and rant.

Then there is the fact that people judge you, i mean sure I do it some times ( i try to stop my-self though) but I feel bad about it, and event then i don't show it. Here is some advice ( I know it's not much coming from someone as yound as me but) first impressipns matter ALOT!!! It will be everyone's mental image fromthen one, and shall be very hard to get rid from their minds.

I know that this is extremly random, but as blog name says this is 100% me (that should include my emotions...i hope...)


{ 10:32 PM }

Erm...well i've made a new Blog and this time it will have nothing to do with Chocolate Cats...
well i think i should get back to the layout,
or eles.....i'll have lots of RUBBISH on this page.....

{ 1:25 PM }

<---this is me---->


<3.No boy is worth crying, But when you do find someone that is, he won't make you cry. :).L.O.V.E






~LOTS MORE!!!!!!

Eldds (drama)

Layout made by BAKEDPOTATOE, with help from Karen thru PGP for the image, and fonts Violation and Adorable thru
